M. Botacin, L. Galante, F. Ceschin, P. L. de Geus, and A. Grégio. RevEngE is a dish served cold: Debug-Oriented Malware Decompilation and Reassembly. ROOTS’2019, the Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium (co-located with Deep-Sec), pages 1-12, November 2019. M. Botacin, L. Galante, F. Ceschin, P. C. Santos, L. Carro, P. L. de Geus, A. Grégio, and M. A. Z. Alves. The AV says: Your Hardware Definitions Were Updated! ReCoSoC - Intl Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, pages 1-8, July 2019.